miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

this is what we do in class,was write the favorite songs of each and description about the song.
Student’s name
Song’s name
Group or Singer
Topic of the songs
1. Macarena
No estés triste
Zona ganjah
To cheer up
2. Isabo
Un nuevo día
Zona ganjah
The store always after the songs
Avenged sevenfold
The son gis about he remember, hes home.
4. Gerson
Not Afraid
Because it motivates you get out of your problem
5. Jenifer
Me llora el cielo
Jessy and joy
Is love
6. Nicolás
She steep love me
Is about love
7. Diego
Take a walk
Passion pit
Reflections of life
8. Constanza
This is word
Three seconds to mars
Is about piece and this couple
9. Ociel
Remind me
Is about love and remembers
10. Daniela
Antes de las seis
One person who is absent
11. Marly
Roger Rabit
Sleeping witch sirens
Is impositived love

some photos of the singers my mates
Avenged sevenfold



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